Data protection statement
Please read before submitting your information (data)
When you sign up with your email to our newsletter you are giving us your consent to add your email to our 'Long List' (LL). Email addresses on this list will receive our monthly newsletter as well as infrequent 'calls to action' and other infrequent emails that we believe you will be interested in- since you expressed interest in supporting Enfield for Europe.
This is how our group will meet the Data Protection Act 1998 while processing your data:
- Personal data shall be
processed fairly and lawfully.
- Data subject’s data will never be sold and not given to other organisations, excluding carefully vetted affiliated groups, without the express written or verbal consent of that data subject.
- Personal data shall be
obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not
be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those
- When a new person attends a meeting, and volunteers their email, it is clear at that moment they express an interest to be kept informed about future EFE activity. They shall be added to the ‘Long List’ (LL) and will be asked if they desire to be a member of the ‘Short List’ (SL).
- When others volunteer their email during street campaigning, or other public engagement, it is clear at that moment they express an interest to be kept informed about future EFE activity. They shall be added to the ‘Long List’ (LL).
- When a person submits their email via our website, it is clear at that moment they express an interest to be kept informed about future EFE activity. They shall be added to the ‘Long List’ (LL).
- People
shall not be moved from the LL to the SL without their express written or
verbal consent.
- Personal data shall be
adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or
purposes for which they are processed.
- We only require a person’s name and email address in order to keep them informed about our activities. Any further information is not necessary and shall not be held by EFE.
- Financial information necessary for payment of reimbursements or for services will be stored non-electronically, meaning it is exempt from DPA obligations, and deleted after use.
- Personal data shall be
accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
- When collecting a person’s data every care should be made to transcribe their information correctly, it is preferable if they enter their own data.
- Personal data processed for
any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for
that purpose or those purposes.
- We will keep people’s data until they notify us that they no longer wish to be kept informed of our activities, as data processing for our communication is passive on the LL, so inactivity cannot accurately signify disinterest.
- Personal data shall be
processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.
- Any concerns about data protection should be raised immediately with the data controller.
- Appropriate technical and
organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful
processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of,
or damage to, personal data.
- Lists of communication data shall be stored in a password encrypted format by the data controller, with an offline backup made at monthly intervals.
- Emails sent to the confidential LL by a committee member must be approved by the data controller to ensure data is protected.
- Personal data shall not be
transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area
unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection
for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing
of personal data.
- If in the future there is international communication it is highly likely that it will be inside the EU, however, if communication Is required to a non-EEA country, it shall be carried out with the EFE’s official email address. It will not include exchange of personal data.